Western Suburbs DRLFC First Grade 1965
Back: G McDougall, D Barsley, J Armstrong, K Bray, N Thornton
Seated: P Dimond, R McGuinness (Captain), D Malone, J Hayes
Front: J Cody, B Kowald, D Page, D Meaney
The loss of Kevin Smyth, who had gone to Wollongong as captain/Coach, was a major blow but Dave Barsley coming back from the North Coast was a significant pick-up. Noel Kelly started the season with knee cartilage surgery, but Noel Thornton (ex-Brisbane) made a good debut at hooker. Kelly’s injury added to another shocking season of injuries, causing reflection on training methods and style of play. New coach, Ken Kearney, undertook a rigid schedule of intensive training.
Dave Barsley was the top points-scorer but the total of 75 points indicates the leanness of the season. Barsley was also voted the club’s ‘Best and Fairest’. Lower grade ‘Best and Fairest’s’ indicated a bright future with Barry Bryant (Seconds) and Bruce Beer (Thirds) getting the votes.
There was a major end-of-season tour to North Queensland and New Guinea. Any idea it would be a holiday was dispelled with the injury list published in the Annual Report:
Denis Meaney – nose injury, probable fracture, damaged knee cartilage and bursar
Roy Ferguson – lacerated eye and lip requiring sutures.
John Hayes – injured elbow
Denis Pittard – dislocated collarbone
Noel Kelly – broken thumb
John Armstrong – back injury and poisoned leg
John Mowbray – back injury
Graham Bevan – foreign body in foot and knee injury
Noel Thornton – chipped teeth and ear injury
Ken Bray – damaged ankle and thigh
Ron Costello – nose injury and cartilage
Pat Thomas – knee and leg injury, plus ankle
Some tour!
Western Suburbs State Cup – Winners 1965
Back: J Mowbray, R Ferguson, J Cody, R Costello, N Kelly (Captain), D Meaney, J Armstrong, J Brophy, N Thornton, G McDougall, D Malone
Middle: G Bevan, P Dimond, D Pittard, R McGuinness, J Hayes, B Bryant, D Pickett, K Bray, P Thomas, R Munro (Ball Boy), D Barsley
Jersey Flegg Premiers 1965
Back Row: L Miller (Selector), M McLean, L Hobbs, R Tooby, D Cornall, F Lawrence, F Tagg, P Panagiris (Honorary Acting Secretary)
Second Row: R Grimston (Trainer), J McGilvray, P Chapman, W Thompson (Manager), G Sly, N Hornery, L Burton, J Murphy (Selector)
Front Row: F McGauley, A Brown, R McFarlane (Coach), T Pickup (Captain), J Tagg (Coach), J Hain (Vice-Captain), J Begnell, G Murphy (Ball Boy)
Absent Officials: S J Addison (Honorary Secretary), J Begnell Sen. (Honorary Treasurer), F Wailes (Trainer)
Absent Players: A Driver, J Nielson
Note the young Nev Hornery and Tim Pickup – no wonder they were premiers!