1928 was a year of renewal and disruption for Wests. After the rebuild of playing personnel due to the introduction of St George into the competition in 1921, Wests had finished no worse than 5th position in the years from 1923 to 1927, with a credible 2nd position in 1925, and a semi-final appearance in 1927.
Bold headlines appeared in Rugby League News at the start of the 1928 season, “WESTS RE-ORGANISE – New Constitution, and New Officials and Players.” Long serving club men, Tedda Courtney and Clarrie Prentice lost their position on the Selection Committee, being voted out at the Annual General Meeting. Clarrie Prentice had been replaced as Coach by Chris McKivat, and long-standing Club Secretary and stalwart of Wests, Ernie McFayden had been replaced by Jim White.
Les Hayes gave a good insight into the dissention that occurred to author Gary Lester in his book, Clouds of Dust, Buckets of Blood. Wests won two of its first three matches in 1928, after which Hayes ceased playing. Assistant Secretary, Charlie Elliott soon after provided a statement that all was well within the Club, but Wests went on to lose seven of their last eight games that season.
Wests recovered in 1929, to make the semi-finals and start a run of golden years for the Club.