
Alfred James Mount (T. Mount)


BIRTH: 11 June 1882
Burwood, NSW
DEATH: 27 March 1961 Newtown, NSW
DEATH: 27 March 1961
Newtown, NSW


RESIDENCE: Burwood Rd, Burwood, NSW


  • Burwood Warwick RU 1902
  • Burwood Juniors RU 1903 (Mount)
  • Enfield Triers RU 1904
  • Burwood Borough RU 1905 (A. Mount)
  • Wests RU 2nd Grade 1905
  • Burwood RU 2nd Grade RU 1906 (A. Mount)
  • Wests RU First Grade 1906
  • Burwood Borough Grade 1907 (H. Mount)
  • Wests RL First Grade 1908
  • Enfield RU 3rd Grade 1909? (A. Mountain)


This player was recorded as T. Mount which is not a common surname. However, there is no T. Mount in any public records that would identify the person that played with Wests in 1908.

There was one family by the name of Mount who had a son of the right age to have played for Wests in 1908. This was the family of Alfred and Margaret Mount who lived in Burwood Rd Burwood, opposite Burwood Park who had a son by the name of Alfred James Mount.

It is usual for a First Grade player to have some history playing lower grade football. A search of newspapers from the time found an A Mount and H Mount who played junior football between 1903 and 1908. It is most likely that the player A Mount progressed through the juniors and on to Wests in 1908.

Given the above information it can be reasonably concluded that T. Mount was Alfred James Mount of Burwood.

The Wests Archive would like to know more about this player. If you have any information, please contact the Archive at Wests Ashfield Leagues Club on:

(02) 8752 2021 or (02) 8752 2022 or email

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